Passive House

Passive Homes lead the building industry in:

  • Thermal bridge free design

  • Airtight construction

  • Heat recovery ventilation

  • Highly insulating windows

  • Innovative building services

The basic concept of passive house design is the maximize efficiency




Passive Solar building methods are really nothing new; for thousands of years civilizations have been planning shelters around the sun’s cycle, for more on modern building, you should check out the new website.

Modern man has often become detached from thinking about the sun’s role in his comfort. The advent of powerful heating and cooling systems made it possible for home designs to ignore the local environment and sun exposure. To further improve the energy efficiency of your home, you may seek annual furnace repair and maintenance services to boost the efficiency of your hvac system. Make sure as well to prioritize ac repair services. An ac repair technician should be contacted if you need help with any mechanical issues with your cooling system. If you’re considering enhancing your living space, media wall installation UK offers modern solutions to transform your home. When everything is finished, it’s time to hold a party with Scary Masks like the ones at Abracadabra NYC to celebrate your energy-efficient home.



SmithWorks Natural Homes  is a certified Passive House Builder


Today, sustainable builders like SmithWorks Natural Homes, are putting lots of thought, energy and science into how to construct buildings that use the sun to the utmost advantage.

This process requires a substantial understanding of the climate and conditions of the building site so that the low winter sun can be welcomed deep into a home, while the blazing summer sun is kept off of exterior walls by large roof eaves. Additionally, ensuring proper maintenance, such as addressing water damage, is crucial. Services like can help protect exterior surfaces from weather-related wear. These preventative measures, along with learning from Plumbing Projects That Are Worth It In Dallas to look at and learn more about how they happen and how to fix them. In keeping with this sustainable approach, for commercial painting click here to ensure your building’s finish is both eco-friendly and durable



Smithworks Natural Homes works with its clients to design homes and additions that take full advantage of the sun’s energy to achieve year-round comfort and efficiency. 




Above is a great video explaining the basics of Passive Solar Buildings